6 Crucial Facts You Need To Know About Brain Cancer


A recent study by the World Health Organization has revealed that brain cancer develops in 22,000 new people annually. The death toll associated with cancer has increased too with 13,000 people recorded to have succumbed to the disease every year.

Brain cancer can emanate from other parts of the body and spread to the brain, this is referred to as secondary cancer. Tumors that form in the brain can also be a cause of primary brain cancer. Common symptoms of the disease include speech problems, visual disturbances, weak limbs, and headaches just to mention a few. In addition, seizures and focal neurological deficits may also indicate the presence of the disease.

These two common types of brain cancer require two different types of treatment. Secondary brain cancer requires either Gamma knife surgery, chemotherapy or surgery followed by radiotherapy. On the other hand, primary brain cancer requires surgery followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

While a brain tumor may look like the chief source of brain cancer, not all of them are cancerous. Also, brain tumors vary, none is the same as the other. Headaches are the most common symptom of brain cancer, an increase in their frequency and intensity is enough reason to visit a doctor as fast as possible.

To add to the cancer facts mentioned above, you should also know that family history plays a big part in the spread of brain cancer. Apart from these, here are other facts about brain cancer that you need to familiarize yourself with.

2Headaches are not the Sole Symptom

Image result for headaches

A lot of people rush to the hospital for a brain cancer check up in the event of intermittent headaches, in most instances they are just that, headaches. Recurrent headaches are without a doubt the number one symptom of a brain tumor. However, like earlier stated, not all tumors are cancerous.

In addition, tumors may also cause seizures, personality changes, blurred vision, and difficulties in standing or walking. These symptoms are also associated with cancer but the best way to find out is through a doctor, not speculation. In addition, there can also be another cause so do not jump into conclusion without consulting a medical practitioner.