7 Facts You Need to Know About Melanoma


Melanoma, also known as black tumor, is a type of skin cancer that starts from the melanocyte cells and eventually spreads to other parts of the body. Most of these cancerous cells are black or brown in color due to the presence of melanocytes.

However, there are also times when the cells stop producing the coloring pigment and are therefore pink, red or purple in color. The cancer can affect any part of the body. While men are prone to this cancer in and around their trunk, women are likely to develop them around the legs and arms.

In the following section, we will give you a detailed insight on everything that you wanted to know about melanoma.

7Causes maximum death

Image result for death

Although melanoma usually constitutes about 4% of almost all skin cancers, yet it accounts for more than 80% of all deaths related to skin cancer. In the US, about 1-2% deaths happen every year due to melanoma.

Although this cancer is usually seen in adults, it is also, at times, found in young adults and children. For women between the age group of 25 to 29, it is one of the most common types of cancer. It is also equally common among women belonging to the age group of 30 to 34. Men are also affected by this cancer, and it is usually seen in men between the age 30 to 49.

