8 Things You Did Not Know About Breast Cancer


Breast Cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when the cells in your breast happen to grow uncontrollably. The cells usually form a tumor that is felt as a lump and detected on an X-ray.

This tumor is malignant and as they grow, they are also likely to invade the alternate tissues and spread to almost every other part of your body. Although breast cancer is primarily observed in women, men too can be diagnosed with this ailment.

Cells from almost any part of the body can become carcinogenic after which they can spread to your breasts and breast tissues. Although breast cancer is usually identified by lumps, other relevant symptoms are thickened breast tissues, swollen breasts, rash around your nipples and headaches. In the following section, we will give you a detailed insight on some facts that you did not know about breast cancer.

7Lumps are not the only symptom of breast cancer

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Although the most common sign of breast cancer is lump, it is also true that about eighty percent of these lumps are benign.

Other symptoms might include persistent itching in and around your breast, a small bump (like a bug bite) on your skin, discharge from your nipple and so on. In any case, if you happen to see your breast change in a weird of mysterious way then it is likely to be a potential symptom.

So always try to take care of this issue and if anything persists for more than a couple of weeks, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor. Even in the case of lumps, you are likely to observe a small protuberant thing that is both solid and immobile. It will look like a marble, frozen pea or any hard stuff fixed in its place.

Although something like this immediately does not suggest cancer, but if it does not diminish in size after a couple of weeks and eventually grow larger, the consult a doctor immediately.