What You Need To Know About Cervical Cancer


Cancer is a dreaded disease worldwide. It has no boundaries and is often found in people of all ages, even in infants. When cells grow abnormally in the human bodies, cancer manifests itself where the anomaly lies. Cancer is named according to where it begins in the body. It may later spread to other parts of the body.

Cervical cancer refers to overgrown body cells in the lower tapering end of the uterus. The cervix links the vagina to the upper uterus (womb) where a fetus grows in pregnant women. Women over the age of 30 years are at risk of developing cervical cancer. Every year, approximately 12,000 women in America get the feared cervical cancer, and about 3,000 succumb to it.

The main cause of cervical cancer is Human Papillomavirus or simply( HPV). HPV is a regular virus that is contracted through sexual intercourse. At least 50% of sexually active individuals get HPV before the age of 50.Out of these; some women will, unfortunately, get cervical cancer.

Despite these alarming figures, cervical cancer is avoidable. Vaccines and regular screening tests prevent the HPV virus from further spreading of the disease. But if cervical cancer is discovered in its initial stages, it is treatable, and patients may continue enjoying a long healthy life.

210 Signs of Cervical Cancer You Shouldn’t Disregard

The worst thing about CC is that it does not confirm any symptoms of the disease in its early stages. It manifests strongly after spreading to most of the internal organs like the bladder, intestines liver, or the lungs.

If you detect any strange symptoms distressing your reproductive organs, consult your doctor. Chances of effectively treating cervical cancer are higher if detected early. Below is a list of potential top 10 signs of cervical cancer that shouldn’t be ignored:

1. Excess Vaginal Bleeding

Image result for vaginal bleeding

Most women diagnosed with cervical cancer experience irregular bleeding. Regular excess vaginal bleeding could be a strong sign of cervical cancer. It may also be caused by a hormonal imbalance or an infection in the pelvic organs. As cancer spreads to neighboring tissues, it produces new, unusual vessels that easily break, causing the abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods, or after a sexual encounter, a pelvic exam and even after menopause.